ManeGait Grooming Quiz
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1. Which of these describes the use of the curry comb?
Removes tangles from the horse's tail
Loosens mud and dirt so they may be easily brushed off
Cleans the horse's hooves
None of the above
2. What is our number one priority at all times?
That everyone has fun
That the horses are happy
3. Why should you never stand directly in front of a horse?
It cannot see you
It may move forward and injure you
You are in its personal space
All of the above
4. Are horses' hooves sensitive?
No, they feel nothing
Only the frog of the hoof is sensitive
Only if they have rocks in them
5. Why is it important that the horses' hooves are cleaned prior to each lesson?
To remove any debris so they are not uncomfortable and to check their shoes if they wear them
It is not important
So they don't make a funny noise that could distract the rider
So that they look and smell nice
6. Why is it important to groom the horse prior to putting the saddle on?
So they look pretty
Because it is enjoyable for them
So their riders and volunteers won't get dirty
So that there is no debris under their tack which could make them uncomfortable
7. If it is necessary for you to move around the rear of the horse, what should you do?
Move silently so as not to disturb them
Go fast to stay out of the kick zone
Keep your hand rested on them at all times, so they know where you are
None of the above
8. How should a
soft brush
be used?
Circular motion on body and neck to loosen dirt
Flicking motion on body, legs and neck to remove dirt
Smooth motion on body, legs, neck and face to remove surface dust and smooth hair
Gentle brush strokes through the mane, tail and forelock
9. How should a
curry comb
be used?
Circular motion on body and neck to loosen dirt
Flicking motion on body, legs and neck to remove dirt
Smooth motion on body, legs, neck and face to remove surface dust and smooth hair
Gentle brush strokes through the mane, tail and forelock
10. How should a
mane and tail brush
be used?
Circular motion on body and neck to loosen dirt
Flicking motion on body, legs and neck to remove dirt
Smooth motion on body, legs, neck and face to remove surface dust and smooth hair
Gentle brush strokes through the mane, tail and forelock
11. How should a
dandy (hard) brush
be used?
Circular motion on body and neck to loosen dirt
Flicking motion on body, legs and neck to remove dirt
Smooth motion on body, legs, neck and face to remove surface dust and smooth hair
Gentle brush strokes through the mane, tail and forelock
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