ManeGait Tack Room Quiz
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1. Where should the safety feature of the stirrup iron (the band) be positioned on the saddle?
It doesn't matter
Facing forwards
Facing backwards
There is no safety feature
2. What is the difference between a bridle and a sidepull?
There is no difference
One is larger than the other
A bridle has a bit for the horse's mouth and a sidepull does not
One has reins and the other does not
3. When should you put the stirrups onto the saddle?
When the rider asks you to
It doesn't matter
As soon as the girth is tightened
Before you place the saddle on the horse's back
4. Why do you run the stirrups up to the top of the leathers once attached to the saddle?
It looks neater
So they don't fall off
So they don't bang into the horse when the saddle is placed on its back
None of the above
5. Why are the stirrup leathers and irons removed from the English saddles after each class?
Because the saddles are used for different sizes of riders
To be cleaned
For inventory
For fun
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